Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday news

From Cindy:
Wanda had a bronchoscopy (sp?) this morning. They went down the vent and looked in her lungs and extracted anything that wasn't supposed to be there (i.e., fluid that was congesting her). She has a touch of pneumonia, but she is resting better and breathing much better after the procedure. She is still on the ventilator, but the doctor hoped to wean her from it (maybe tomorrow?). She has a chest tube that has also been draining fluid from her lungs as well, so maybe the fluid buildup will be gone soon.We did not go up today nor yesterday. We just needed some rest, although Mother and Daddy were chomping at the bit to go.We will all go up tomorrow (Saturday).Some have expressed desire to visit, which would be fine.The visiting hours for the SICU are: 10:30-11; 2:30-3; 5:30-6; and 8:30-9.Please feel free to go by and visit. We aren't always there to visit every time, and there is no limit to the number of people who can go back to visit.Thanks for the continued prayers.

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