Saturday, December 6, 2008
Ornament Swap
It was suggested to me that everyone be allowed to bring an ornament or anything of their choice for the Dirty Santa ornament swap. Do whatever works for you.
Monday, November 17, 2008
November and December Info
There is not going to be a November Event this year. Everyone's schedule seems to have filled up and we are going to move right on to the December Event. It will be held on December 16th at Teri Phillips house at 6:00 P.M. Bring a covered dish and an ornament for a Dirty Santa swap. You may wear holiday attire (sweaters, etc.) with your Red Hats (Santa hats are acceptible in December). If you have any questions please contact Teri.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Blog Excerpt
This was written by Melissa Lester and was part of a post written for the Blog Around the World Blogspot. It has wonderful thoughts about women's relationships to each other.
It's official. With the lighting of my husband's candles last Friday, the birthday season is officially in full swing for our family of six. From October to April, the confetti, streamers and frosting fly as I plan celebrations for Joe and our four children. With invitations to make, cakes to decorate, favors to craft and games to plan, it's a sometimes dizzying pace. Add in birthday parties for three nephews and a niece during that six-month period, and it seems we are lighting candles for someone nearly every week.
And I love it. I took cake-decorating classes as a newlywed because I remembered fondly my own birthdays growing up. My mother made our cakes, and my sister, brother and I enjoyed choosing our theme each year. I look back on our simple celebrations as some of the happiest days of my life. I knew then that I would want to share that magic with my children.
As mothers, so many of us are the memory makers in the family. I joke often that Joe provides our livelihood, and I provide our "lovelihood." What a privilege it is to bring our families together year after year. Pieced together like a quilt, we hope those tender moments will wrap our loved ones in warm memories even after we're gone.
As I frosted my husband's cake last week, I thought about all the women who create special moments for their families, and my mind drifted to a woman named Tracey. Tracey told me about the friendship that developed with a neighbor whose backyard adjoined hers. The two mothers had gotten to know each other as they met each day for an afternoon walk. Along the way they shared stories about their children, news of the day, and even hurts they had experienced. And step by step, their friendship grew.
Tracey was the birthday party planner in the family, and she joked with her neighbor when her own birthday passed that year with little fanfare. As they walked, she laughed telling her friend how concerned her daughter was that after all the work she had put into her family's celebrations, she didn't even have a birthday cake.
Tracey's eyes filled with tears as she revealed what happened next. "Look Mommy!" her daughter cried a few hours later when she looked out the window. Tracey peered out the window and giggled at the site. There was her neighbor bounding down the hill between their houses -- a huge, fluffy pink birthday cake in her hands.
Isn't that a beautiful image?
As women, so often we are the heart of our families. We provide instruction, kiss boo-boos, mend broken hearts and even plan birthday parties. But who takes care of the care taker?
I believe the natural choice is other women. We can understand each other in a way our husbands and children can't. So we share recipes, money-saving ideas and medical advice. We deliver meals to new mothers and look out for co-workers who are sick. Our own hearts hurt when a friend is grieving, and we take her worries to heart before taking them to the Lord. And we deliver fluffy pink birthday cakes to each other every day.
Those cakes are often presented in the form of sweet words of encouragement, delivered with the gifts of a listening ear and an understanding heart. Times shared wrap the package in happy memories, laughter adds a fluffy bow, and acts of thoughtfulness lovingly sign the card, "Your friend."
A favorite quote about friendship reminds me,
“I think of my women friends as a raft we make with our arms. We are out there in the middle of some great scary body of water, forearm to forearm, hand to elbow, holding tight. Sometimes I am part of the raft, joining up with others to provide safe harbor; other times I need to climb aboard myself, until the storms subside and I can see my way clear to swim to shore. The raft drifts apart when it’s not needed, but never disbands, never forgets.”
So, friends from around the world, climb aboard. I'm so glad you are here. There is room here for everyone, and plenty of cake to go around.
“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
It's official. With the lighting of my husband's candles last Friday, the birthday season is officially in full swing for our family of six. From October to April, the confetti, streamers and frosting fly as I plan celebrations for Joe and our four children. With invitations to make, cakes to decorate, favors to craft and games to plan, it's a sometimes dizzying pace. Add in birthday parties for three nephews and a niece during that six-month period, and it seems we are lighting candles for someone nearly every week.
And I love it. I took cake-decorating classes as a newlywed because I remembered fondly my own birthdays growing up. My mother made our cakes, and my sister, brother and I enjoyed choosing our theme each year. I look back on our simple celebrations as some of the happiest days of my life. I knew then that I would want to share that magic with my children.
As mothers, so many of us are the memory makers in the family. I joke often that Joe provides our livelihood, and I provide our "lovelihood." What a privilege it is to bring our families together year after year. Pieced together like a quilt, we hope those tender moments will wrap our loved ones in warm memories even after we're gone.
As I frosted my husband's cake last week, I thought about all the women who create special moments for their families, and my mind drifted to a woman named Tracey. Tracey told me about the friendship that developed with a neighbor whose backyard adjoined hers. The two mothers had gotten to know each other as they met each day for an afternoon walk. Along the way they shared stories about their children, news of the day, and even hurts they had experienced. And step by step, their friendship grew.
Tracey was the birthday party planner in the family, and she joked with her neighbor when her own birthday passed that year with little fanfare. As they walked, she laughed telling her friend how concerned her daughter was that after all the work she had put into her family's celebrations, she didn't even have a birthday cake.
Tracey's eyes filled with tears as she revealed what happened next. "Look Mommy!" her daughter cried a few hours later when she looked out the window. Tracey peered out the window and giggled at the site. There was her neighbor bounding down the hill between their houses -- a huge, fluffy pink birthday cake in her hands.
Isn't that a beautiful image?
As women, so often we are the heart of our families. We provide instruction, kiss boo-boos, mend broken hearts and even plan birthday parties. But who takes care of the care taker?
I believe the natural choice is other women. We can understand each other in a way our husbands and children can't. So we share recipes, money-saving ideas and medical advice. We deliver meals to new mothers and look out for co-workers who are sick. Our own hearts hurt when a friend is grieving, and we take her worries to heart before taking them to the Lord. And we deliver fluffy pink birthday cakes to each other every day.
Those cakes are often presented in the form of sweet words of encouragement, delivered with the gifts of a listening ear and an understanding heart. Times shared wrap the package in happy memories, laughter adds a fluffy bow, and acts of thoughtfulness lovingly sign the card, "Your friend."
A favorite quote about friendship reminds me,
“I think of my women friends as a raft we make with our arms. We are out there in the middle of some great scary body of water, forearm to forearm, hand to elbow, holding tight. Sometimes I am part of the raft, joining up with others to provide safe harbor; other times I need to climb aboard myself, until the storms subside and I can see my way clear to swim to shore. The raft drifts apart when it’s not needed, but never disbands, never forgets.”
So, friends from around the world, climb aboard. I'm so glad you are here. There is room here for everyone, and plenty of cake to go around.
“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Our October Event
Our October event will be held on October 23rd at 6:30 in the fireplace room at University Church of Christ. It will be a Fall Pot Luck Dinner. Bring a favorite fall food dish. We will play games and visit. Wear casual Red Hat dress--PURPLE (or lavender) clothing and RED (or pink) head coverings. Nelda is Queen for the month of October. Any questions can be directed to her. See you then!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Save the dates!!!
Our October Event will be October 23. Our December Event will be December 15. More info will be coming about both of these. Put it on your calendars and plan around it!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
September Event

The Vintage Violets will be gathering together on Saturday, September 13th!!! We will be going to breakfast that morning at 8:30 at the Blue Moon Cafe. I am not sure of the address but we went there once before. It is off Taylor Road a few streets behind the Publix store. They serve breakfast at the tables--you do not go through the line like their other meals. Please let me know if you can or can't attend. I need a number count on how many can go. You may email me or call me before Friday, September 12th. See you there!
The Queen
P.S. Casual Dress but as always in your colors!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Welcome New Member!
We have a new member in the Vintage Violets! She is Cherry Wallock. All the UCOC members know her and probably some of the DCOC ladies also. She is planning on being with us Thursday night. This brings our group to 20 members so that makes us "closed" for the time being. We have fluctuated around 20 most of the time and that seems to be a good, manageable number. I will see you all Thursday night!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Tomorrow (Sunday the 17th) is the deadline to let LaRose know if you can go next Thursday. Don't be that person who will not RSVP!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Our August Event
The Red Hatters are tentatively scheduled to go to Marchelle's Bistro at 164 E. Main St. in Prattville on Thursday, August 21, at 6:30. We will have their back room. We can meet at the UCOC parking lot and go from there. LaRose needs a # count by Sunday, August 17th. Check your info list for her email and phone # or look in the regular phone book. They live on Green Chase. August birthday babies remember to reverse your colors! If there is any change in this info, I will let you know.
LaRose Update
LaRose got home from Piedmont yesterday. She had lots of tests (ask her about the 28 vials of blood they took) and even talked to a psychiatrist. She will hear her status in a few weeks.
My shoulder is coming along well. If it weren't for the torture lady at rehab I would be in great shape!
Brenda was able to be at church last Sunday. She will start chemo again on Monday.
My shoulder is coming along well. If it weren't for the torture lady at rehab I would be in great shape!
Brenda was able to be at church last Sunday. She will start chemo again on Monday.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Our July Event
We had 16 Violets present at Ox Yoke tonight. Our newest member, Jean, was there. The Queen did not have her camera so there are no pictures to post. The food was delicious. Thanks goes to JoAnn for planning this one. We passed the calendar and all but 5 of the 19 months were filled. The first month without a planner is this coming September. We have time to get all of the months filled. We will give Brenda a pass for now until she gets her strength back. I will be sending info soon regarding the August Event.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Beautiful Story
I know I have mentioned to ya'll before to please check out Melissa's blog that is linked on our Violets page. She is a writer that is inspiring to read. The University ladies know her and the Dalraida ladies can get to know her from reading her blog. Please take the time to read her blog TODAY by clicking on the word "Melissa" on the right hand side of the Vintage Violets page and let me know what you think. It is a wonderful story of giving and receiving help when needed. I will see all of you tomorrow night!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Please remember...
We need to pray for and remember LaRose as she will be going to Piedmont Hospital on August 4th and 5th for tests and evaluation for a kidney transplant. She will hear from them in the fall and if all goes well will be placed on a waiting list at Piedmont and UAB.
We need to pray for and remember LaRose as she will be going to Piedmont Hospital on August 4th and 5th for tests and evaluation for a kidney transplant. She will hear from them in the fall and if all goes well will be placed on a waiting list at Piedmont and UAB.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Welcome New Member!
I am very pleased to announce that the Violets have a new flower! Her name is Jean Spiro and I am pretty sure that everyone knows her or knows she is Teri's mom. I will not put her personal info on the blog but will send a separate email with that info in it. Welcome her to our group. I know she will be a good "fit".
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
June Event!
The Violets met tonight at Sommer's Place for a wonderful dinner and time of laughing and enjoying being together. We played "Dirty Red Hat's" and everyone went home with interesting gifts.
Friday, June 13, 2008
June Red Hatters Outting
We will be having dinner at Sommers Place 7972 Vaughn Rd on 6/24 Tuesday at 6:30pm. Sommers is in the Sturbridge Shopping Center. Let me know by Monday 6/23 if you can attend so reservations can be made. Just for fun each member bring one item wrapped for DIRTY RED HATTER. Don't buy something new. Bring an item you are about to yard sale or Goodwill, but still has lots of love left in it. If you are one of those sick women who is so organized that you have nothing that meets this criteria, then borrow something. I'm sure you have lots of friends who can give you something of hers gladly. Wear your RED HAT garb!
Linda (Lady Geranium Begonia of the Country)
(From the queen--I will be sending you Linda's email address and phone #'s out by regular email. I do not want to post it on this blog. Please RSVP to her promptly. Thanks!)
Linda (Lady Geranium Begonia of the Country)
(From the queen--I will be sending you Linda's email address and phone #'s out by regular email. I do not want to post it on this blog. Please RSVP to her promptly. Thanks!)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Nancy update
Nancy's surgery is over and went well. The cyst was much larger than the Dr. had thought. He said it was a life threatening situation because if it had ruptured she could have bled to death.
This just in......
Nancy Itson is in surgery this afternoon for removal of an ovarian cyst. I will update you when I find out more.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Update on Brenda
I went to see Brenda Donaldson yesterday and took the basket with all kinds of goodies everyone donated. It really got a smile out of her. She said to tell all thank you!! Keep her in your prayers.
Diane Lindsey
Diane Lindsey
Thursday, April 24, 2008
On a Funnier Note.....
This was lifted from Rebecca's blog:
Out of the mouth of babes
Tonight in Brooks' prayer he said...
"God, help me not to say the word "Booty" anymore."
Out of the mouth of babes
Tonight in Brooks' prayer he said...
"God, help me not to say the word "Booty" anymore."
Time To Pray
This was lifted from Melissa Lester"s blog:
God's Day
by Melissa Lester
All night long I watched you sleep, snuggled in your bed.
I whispered softly my love for you and stroked your weary head.
I cradled you till the sun came up and you rose to meet the day.
I was eager to hear your waking thoughts, but you didn't take time to pray.
I knew what the day would hold for you -- a new struggle in every task.
I knew that you would need my strength, but you didn't take time to ask.
With arms outstretched I walked with you as you faced a trying day.
I was ready and willing to carry your burdens, but you never glanced my way.
I showered you with blessings, and you accepted them all with glee.
I waited patiently for your thanks, but you had not a word for Me.
The day is coming to a close; the end is drawing near.
I walked beside you all the way, but you forgot that I was here.
You faced your troubles on your own, and now worry fills your head.
How different your day could have been if you had leaned on Me instead.
Tomorrow is a new day, and I will walk with you again.
I hope that you will turn to me -- your Savior, Father, Friend.
God's Day
by Melissa Lester
All night long I watched you sleep, snuggled in your bed.
I whispered softly my love for you and stroked your weary head.
I cradled you till the sun came up and you rose to meet the day.
I was eager to hear your waking thoughts, but you didn't take time to pray.
I knew what the day would hold for you -- a new struggle in every task.
I knew that you would need my strength, but you didn't take time to ask.
With arms outstretched I walked with you as you faced a trying day.
I was ready and willing to carry your burdens, but you never glanced my way.
I showered you with blessings, and you accepted them all with glee.
I waited patiently for your thanks, but you had not a word for Me.
The day is coming to a close; the end is drawing near.
I walked beside you all the way, but you forgot that I was here.
You faced your troubles on your own, and now worry fills your head.
How different your day could have been if you had leaned on Me instead.
Tomorrow is a new day, and I will walk with you again.
I hope that you will turn to me -- your Savior, Father, Friend.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Violets: Be careful! Sleep With One Eye Open!!!
You've heard about people who have been abducted and had their kidneys removed by black- market organ thieves. Well, my thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. I went to sleep and woke up with someone else's thighs. It was just that quick. The replacements had the texture of cooked oatmeal. Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine? I spent the entire summer looking for my thighs. Finally, hurt and angry, I resigned myself to living out my life in jeans. And then the thieves struck again.
My butt was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains to match my new rear-end to the thighs they had stuck me with earlier. But my new butt was attached at least three inches lower than my original! I realized I'd have to give up my jeans in favor of long skirts.
Two years ago I realized my arms had been switched. One morning I was fixing my hair and was horrified to see the flesh of my upper arm swing to and fro with the motion of the hairbrush. This was really getting scary - my body was being replaced one section at a time. What could they do to me next?
When my poor neck suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a turkey neck, I decided to tell my story. Women of the world, wake up and smell the coffee! Those 'plastic' surgeons are using REAL replacement body parts - stolen from you and me! The next time someone you know has something 'lifted', look again - was it lifted from you?
THIS IS NOT A HOAX. This is happening to women everywhere every night.
P.S. Last year I thought some one had stolen my Boobs. I was lying in bed and they were gone! But when I jumped out of bed, I was relieved to see that they had just been hiding in my arm pits as I slept. Now I keep them hidden in my waistband.
My butt was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains to match my new rear-end to the thighs they had stuck me with earlier. But my new butt was attached at least three inches lower than my original! I realized I'd have to give up my jeans in favor of long skirts.
Two years ago I realized my arms had been switched. One morning I was fixing my hair and was horrified to see the flesh of my upper arm swing to and fro with the motion of the hairbrush. This was really getting scary - my body was being replaced one section at a time. What could they do to me next?
When my poor neck suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a turkey neck, I decided to tell my story. Women of the world, wake up and smell the coffee! Those 'plastic' surgeons are using REAL replacement body parts - stolen from you and me! The next time someone you know has something 'lifted', look again - was it lifted from you?
THIS IS NOT A HOAX. This is happening to women everywhere every night.
P.S. Last year I thought some one had stolen my Boobs. I was lying in bed and they were gone! But when I jumped out of bed, I was relieved to see that they had just been hiding in my arm pits as I slept. Now I keep them hidden in my waistband.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Gee's Bend Ferry
Trip to Gee's Bend
Nelda's knee
Those of you who went to Gee's Bend know that Nelda stepped down hard off the bus onto her leg that already had a sore knee. It aggravated it to the point of not being able to move it at all without a lot of pain. She did go to Dr. Wells today and he x-rayed it and said she has athritis in that knee. He gave her a cortisone shot in the knee and told her that because of her acid reflux she cannot take anti-inflammatory medicine. So that was the diagnosis and he told her to be very careful on the Pennsylvania bus trip.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tomorrow's Trip
A reminder for tomorrow morning: The bus is LEAVING UCOC parking lot at 8:00AM. Be there then or be left behind. Don't forget your lunch and money for gas, ferry and the donation for Dr. Irby's foundation. See you then!!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Info from Dianne Mills
We will leave from the University Church parking lot at 8:00 a.m. sharp on April 12 for Gee's Bend. We will need to pay at least $7 per person for gas plus a donation to Aroine Irby's Educational Foundation. I am leaving the amount that one donates up to each individual/couple. Please bring a "sack" lunch. Water will be provided by Charles and Dianne. If we decide to cross the ferry into Camden there is a $2.00 or $3.00 charge per person plus $6 for the bus which includes the driver. I would like for the Vintage Violets to wear their colors - not requiring hats. Dress comfortable. The bus trip takes about 2 hours. Depending on how long we stay we may decide to stop somewhere on the way home for dinner. At this point we have 17 people going.
Note from Sylvia: Dr. Irby volunteered to take us on this tour and he is not charging a set fee but is only asking for a donation to his foundation that sends poor students from Gee's Bend to college. I do not have any idea how much a tour guide would cost per person if we were to hire them for a trip but please be generous in donating if at all possible.
Note from Sylvia: Dr. Irby volunteered to take us on this tour and he is not charging a set fee but is only asking for a donation to his foundation that sends poor students from Gee's Bend to college. I do not have any idea how much a tour guide would cost per person if we were to hire them for a trip but please be generous in donating if at all possible.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Our sympathy goes out to Diane and Ronnie Lindsey in the death of Ronnie's mother. I do not know any arrangements but I am sure it will be in the paper.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Our April Event
Dianne Mills would like to know how many are going to Gee's Bend on April 12th. As you know, this will be open to husbands and any other guests that you think would enjoy it (adults only). We will most likely pack sack lunches. A number count is needed so she can estimate the cost. I am not putting her email address or her phone # in this post. You should have it in your VV info sheet. Let her know if you are going or not so she won't have to call you. Thanks!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Please remember to let Diane L.know if you are going to attend our March Event. It is this Tuesday and let her know by TOMMOROW! Thanks!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
I’m planning for the Red Hat Ladies to go to Miyako Japanese restaurant on March 18,2008 at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to go let me know by March 17th. I thought this would be something we haven’t done before and would be fun. It is located at 8173 Vaughn Road. If you go out Vaughn road you will need to pass Taylor Rd. and it will be in the small shopping center on the left. Japanese Steak House 334-215-2275. Thanks, Diane Lindsey
Monday, March 3, 2008
I must announce that Robbie is going Red Hat Inactive. We always offer that option to anyone when they know that their life circumstances leave them with no time to play. Robbie, we will miss you!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Our APRIL Event will be Saturday, April 12th. For those of you who went on the tour of the Capitol, you will remember that Dr. Irby told us that he could take us on a tour of Gee's Bend and that is just what we are going to do. This should be very interesting for everyone and especially to those of us with an interest in quilts. If you don't know about Gee's Bend, you can do a little internet research on it. It is a very isolated community west of Selma and across the Alabama River from Camden. The ferry to Gee's Bend was halted in 1962 in an attempt to keep the citizens from registering to vote. The ferry was resumed in 2006. Many of the ladies there, just like in most rural areas, made quilts for their families for warmth. They used whatever fabric they could find and assembled them in designs pleasing to their eyes. In the 1960's these ladies and their quilts were "discovered" and eventually displayed in museums around the country. We will leave on the morning of the 12th and meet Dr. Irby in Gee's bend and he will lead our tour. All the details have not been finalized yet but will come later. There will be some cost involved as far as a donation to Dr. Irby's foundation, gas, ferry fees, etc. Husbands are welcome at this event and we will also open it to any friends that you think would enjoy this tour. Dianne Mills is planning this Event for us.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Our February Event
Our February Event was this morning. We were met by our guide, Mr.Aroine Irby, of Gee's Bend, Alabama. What a surprise! He fit right in with our group, dressed in his "birthday month" colors. He was an extremely knowledgeable and interesting guide for our group. He represents our state very capably to visitors and tourists when they visit. Even though our time ran over a little, I was enjoying every minute. The state capitol has been beautifully restored and we can be very proud of it.
We then proceded to UCOC for the delicious brunch that David Fletcher had prepared (and kept warm) for us. Thank you to Faye, Dianne, and David for their planning and executing such an enjoyable event!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
"Blogs I Like"
Check out Melissa's blog (look for her name to the right). She writes beautifully and always has things in her posts to make us think.
I am disappointed that no one leaves a comment on the posts! I guess I am realizing that no comment is required but I always check the blog to see the comments and so far there are zero! Who wants to be first?
Things to Remember for Saturday
Tomorrow is the deadline to let Dianne F. or Faye know if you are going Saturday. The tour starts promptly at 9:00 AM so be there a little before that or you may be left behind! This will start at the Union St. (back) of the Capitol so be there in your colors and bring your guest! Please read the previous post for additional details.
See you Saturday. I will be the one in the foot/ankle brace!
See you Saturday. I will be the one in the foot/ankle brace!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Our February event will be a walk back into history as we tour our state Capitol on Saturday, February 16th. The state Capitol has undergone some renovations recently, and after reading an article in the Montgomery Advertiser a few months ago, it sounds like it will be very interesting to see. I'm sure many of you, like myself, have toured the State Capitol in the past, but I think it will be a lot of fun for us as a group (dressed in our red and purple) to tour it again. We invite all the Red Hat Ladies to bring their spouse, friend or a relative to join them for the State Capitol tour and Breakfast/Brunch at the University church building afterwards. Our tour begins promptly at 9:00 a.m., so it will be important that you meet a few minutes early since another tour begins shortly after ours ends. Arrangements have been made for our tour guide to meet us at the back entrance to the Capitol on Union Street to begin our 45 minute tour of the past. There should be plenty of parking available and no meters to feed on Saturday. Some of you may even want to leave one car at the church building and carpool together. After the tour is over everyone will go back to the University church building for a Breakfast/Brunch prepared by David Fletcher. Cost will be $5.00 per person. Please RSVP to Dianne Fletcher by email at or by telephone at 271-4778, or Faye Toler at 271-3668, no later than February 13th, as David will need the total number of people to buy and prepare food for that morning. Hope we have a good turn out since it won't matter if it's cold since this will be an indoor event. See you on the 16th!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Friday, January 25

Hi Violets!
It doesn't look like we are going to have a January Event. No one had signed up for it and I am not going to plan the months that are not taken. March and July are also open and then we will start over again in September 2008. If you know you signed up for 2008 and don't remember when let me know. Dianne F. and Faye have February.
We usually kinda "regroup" at our January Events. We do not need to collect any dues this year. I had enough left from last year to cover our chapter registration that is due every January. If anyone feels a need to take a leave of absence, let me know. We have 19 ladies in our group right now.
If you have anything newsy to share with the group, let me know and I will post it.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
January 8, 2008
I have not posted anything lately because there was not any news to share. No one signed up to plan an event for January. Dianne H. and I are busy all week with Monster Trucks (!) and making 5 heirloom dresses for the Maskers Ball for the first part of February. I will let everyone know if someone plans an event.
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